It’s almost time for the book

We are working very hard on getting pages done for the Food Culture book. All of this preparation… interviews, recipes, photos — it’s all coming together like a wonderful jigsaw puzzle. In the end, there will be a beautiful picture of how the Germans from Russia survived in the early days.

Today, I need help with the word for those large oval wash or water tubs that were used for butchering. I can’t spell it so I can’t Google it, but I know there are linguists out there that can help me.

Also, here is a sneak peak of the cover.
SMALL High Res COVER 2.27.13If you get the Wishek Star or the Ashley Tribune, my friend Tony Bender gave us some space on the front page… thank you Tony. Also, that photo on the Ashley paper of the family eating… well look for my face because that is my family having dinner somewhere. In the meantime, information about ordering the book will be available shortly… keep in touch.

About spidersue

Working on books, working, gardening, baking, canning, knitting, crocheting, reading, walking, getting older, getting wiser, love my children, love love love my grandchildren.
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2 Responses to It’s almost time for the book

  1. El says:

    the word for Oval wash tub according to goggle is “oval waschzuber”. We called it a “vish kebbal”, I am spelling it how it sounds to me. I don’t know what others called it but that is what we called it.


  2. Donna eszlinger says:

    My parents and In-laws always called it the Shluct Kizzle (butcher kettle) that is the only way I would know of describing it, but couldnt find a spelling for it other then what I did here.. The U sounds like an a sound.. not sure if this helps,,


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