COOKBOOK questions…

In addition to the questions we have received about ordering our book, Ewiger Saatz – Everlasting Yeast; there have been inquiries into what is in the book… well, you will need to purchase a copy and find out. This project was done by volunteers. No one was paid to write this book, do the layout and design, collect and catalog the photos. In addition to this volunteer work, some of us have two jobs, families and gardens. So – please keep in mind, we are trying to keep up with all the orders, addresses, phone calls, etc. But trust us when we tell you that the book will be worth the wait.

Someone asked about a recipe for baked rice. I don’t believe we had one submitted so here is one from my Aunt Alice; in her handwriting.

Alice's Baked Rice RecipeSo, let us know what you are looking for, but don’t expect an answer… well, at least not immediately. This has been the most rewarding project I have ever done and your response to purchasing the book has been overwhelming and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about all the things I have learned about my family and now, myself, because of the stories.

We are trying to collect more video interviews, if you wish to be interviewed at our convenience, please send your contact info We will resume interviews as soon as possible after the 125th in Ashley and a much deserved vacation.

Gute Essen…

About spidersue

Working on books, working, gardening, baking, canning, knitting, crocheting, reading, walking, getting older, getting wiser, love my children, love love love my grandchildren.
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