One happy customer

It was a surprise to find a comment on our Amazon Seller Site after sending a book to someone on the coast.

Here is her delightful comment. We are so appreciative about the comments we receive that let us know that all our volunteer hours did not go to waste. If you have not obtained your copy of Ewiger Saatz as of this week, you really should be thinking Christmas gifts. We have less than half of our printed copies in our possession… Read this and then contact us to order your copy today.

“Not only did this wonderful book arrive two weeks ahead of schedule, it contained a note from my cousin in North Dakota who apparently was involved in the project! The book is surprisingly genuine — this info is exactly as my mother described, and the recipes are those used by my mother which I have nowhere else! I balked at the price but am absolutely delighted — it’s an heirloom book!”

About spidersue

Working on books, working, gardening, baking, canning, knitting, crocheting, reading, walking, getting older, getting wiser, love my children, love love love my grandchildren.
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