Join us at the 90th annual Wishek Sauerkraut Day for the first public opening

Catch of glimpse of life on the prairie through the lens of women who grew up on or raised their families on farms in German-Russian Country.One of 17 panels

This Tri-County Tourism Alliance historic preservation project called, “Women Behind the Plow,” will premiere at Wishek’s 90th Sauerkraut Day, Wednesday, Oct. 14. The exhibit can be viewed in the walkway between the Wishek Community Hospital and Clinic, 1007 4th Ave. South, Wishek. The public is invited to take in the display while attending Sauerkraut Day festivities.

Sixteen panels feature photos and short memories created from interviews collected with assistance from a State Historical Society of North Dakota grant. This project honors the unrecognized contribution of women who grew up or lived on farms in Logan County, McIntosh County and Emmons County.

Many stories of farming prior to rural electrics bringing electricity to the sometimes-harsh prairies have never been told. How did these women learn about providing for families, sewing clothes or crocheting the scarce niceties in their homes? In addition to being wives and mothers, many were farm hands, healers, teachers, housekeepers and artists. They kept traditional holidays and religious customs. Unseen and unrecognized many of these women did what they had to without recognizing the importance of their contribution to the economic growth of the state.

These panels represent a small snapshot into farm life, but you will enjoy spending some time reading memories and viewing the old photographs. The exhibit will be in Wishek until Oct. 27 and will be available to travel to your community after that date. Please contact the Tri-County Tourism Alliance President Carmen Rath-Wald at (701) 754-2504, for more information.

The Tri-County Tourism Alliance is a nonprofit dedicated to the support of Germans from Russia heritage tourism, for more information. Visit us at or find us on Facebook at


About spidersue

Working on books, working, gardening, baking, canning, knitting, crocheting, reading, walking, getting older, getting wiser, love my children, love love love my grandchildren.
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