Women Behind the Plow in Wishek until Oct. 27

Mary Ann Lehr, Sue Balcom and Lorraine Kaseman attended the Women Behind the Plow premiere party on Saturday, Oct. 10. Mary Ann and Lorraine are two of the 16 panels hanging in the walkway between the Wishek Hospital and Clinic until Oct. 27. Violet Diegel, Alma Rath and Deloris Meidinger are in the background. Violet is also one of the featured interviews.

Mary Ann Lehr, Sue Balcom and Lorraine Kaseman attended the Women Behind the Plow premiere party on Saturday, Oct. 10. Mary Ann and Lorraine are two of the 16 panels hanging in the walkway between the Wishek Hospital and Clinic until Oct. 27. Violet Diegel, Alma Rath and Deloris Meidinger are in the background. Violet is also one of the featured interviews. (Carmen Rath-Wald photo)

About spidersue

Working on books, working, gardening, baking, canning, knitting, crocheting, reading, walking, getting older, getting wiser, love my children, love love love my grandchildren.
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2 Responses to Women Behind the Plow in Wishek until Oct. 27

  1. Donna Eszlinger says:

    our daughters were home for the holidays,, and we were able to see the “Women Behind the Plow”,, what a wonderful display, totally showing how very hard the women worked, and what they did to help their mates. That part of our heritage, is something that was never acknowledged much, since in those days,, the man was the Boss, so to speak,, and women never got recognized for what they did. Great Display, keep up the good work


    • spidersue says:

      I am so glad, i hope it gets around the state… I am working on a small reader about country schools… its going to look like an old fashioned book… what fun – just wish i had more time to spend interviewing…


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