Category Archives: Posted by guest writer

Time to begin your Christmas baking

This is the weekend I mix up my Pfeffernuese cookie dough and begin the baking process. It calls for about 10 pounds of flour … whoa and takes me all month to bake them. Well, now that I have a … Continue reading

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Tribune story features Germans from Russia Food Culture

Thank you to the Bismarck Tribune and reporter Jenny Michael who just happened to need a story for the food page…  

Posted in Posted by guest writer, Posted by Sue B. Balcom | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Not so Sour Krauts

Sauerkraut came to Europe via Asia, where people have been pickling cabbage for thousands of years. Because of its high vitamin C content, it was very useful in preventing scurvy and keeping people healthy throughout the winter months when no … Continue reading

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Photographs are tangible memories

By Carman Rath-Wald For the Napoleon Homestead Photographs and memories All the love you gave to me Somehow it just can’t be true That’s all I’ve left of you        ~  Jim Croce They are standing behind the counter in Wurl’s … Continue reading

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An example of things we are seeking for our book

We are trying to put together more than a cookbook. There are tidbits of information passed along from generation to generation that cannot be conveyed short of a photo or a great story. Here is a note I received from … Continue reading

Posted in Posted by guest writer, Posted by Sue B. Balcom | Leave a comment

Our Kochbuch project

To coincide with the Ashley Centennial in June of 2013, the Germans from Russia Tourism Society is collecting recipes, stories and folklore for a very special cookbook about the food culture of the people who lived in McIntosh, Emmons and … Continue reading

Posted in Posted by guest writer, Posted by Sue B. Balcom, Uncategorized | 1 Comment