Tag Archives: Adeline Moch

Our love of food is what sets us apart

On Monday of this week, while the weather was still sweet and warm and felt like summer, we had a dinner party at my Uncle Ed and Aunt Alice’s home in Bismarck. Now, while most folks would be bar-b-queuing up … Continue reading

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COOKBOOK questions…

In addition to the questions we have received about ordering our book, Ewiger Saatz – Everlasting Yeast; there have been inquiries into what is in the book… well, you will need to purchase a copy and find out. This project … Continue reading

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Everlasting Yeast…

What does everlasting yeast have to do with a book about German from Russia food culture? Well, many of the Germans from Russia interviewed for this book recalled the practice of keeping “everlasting yeast” for baking bread and other dough … Continue reading

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Ham Bread

Seems that projects like collecting the stories and memories of elders provokes many memories in youngsters and oldsters alike. Take for instance Ham Brod (with the umlaut). Carmen gave me a folder of stuff and I decided to type it … Continue reading

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2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 8,400 views in 2012. If every person who reached the … Continue reading

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Making Kas Knephla

My niece wanted to know how to make Kas Knephla. That would be a simple request for a recipe, if it was that simple. We all know that many of the recipes passed down from the Germans from Russia are … Continue reading

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Here’s an interview with a 102-year-old resident of the Strasburg nursing home.

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Interview with Rose Glas

Here is another interview… enjoy and don’ t forget to comment. TCT – Rose Glas Interview There are a few more in the can so stay tuned.

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Like a puzzle, it all fits together

Sometimes we remember things, but not always all the details. I’m finding out when doing these interviews that eventually all the pieces of the puzzle fall in place. When one person says they remember having everlasting yeast, but can’t remember … Continue reading

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LaVerna Kaseman Interview

I did it. Finally got another interview completed and up on YouTube. LaVerna Docter Kaseman Interview May 2012 While I don’t expect that people have time to sit and watch a half hour interview? The information that is collected will … Continue reading

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